2 Timothy 3:16, 17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

There are many opportunities to study the Bible:
1) In-person study groups - contact Sharon at angelzrnear@gmail.com for more details:
- Thursday nights at 6:30PM at the church
- Sabbath School - Saturday mornings at 9:30AM
- Saturday after service at 12:30PM
2) Study online (click the links below)
- Voice of Prophecy Bible Study Sets- Discover, Focus on Prophecy, KidZone
- It Is Written Bible Study Sets-It Is Written
- Kid's Bible Studies- My Place with Jesus
3) Request free lessons which are sent through the mail-Please pick which set(s) you prefer from the list and contact Flo at fmschmidt26@aol.com:
- Discover, Focus on Prophecy, KidZone (for children), It Is Written, My Place with Jesus (for children)
4) In-Person small group on two Wednesday's a month at 6PM focusing on the Sanctuary study. Please contact Garrett at 443-875-6942 for the address.